Friars of the Sick Poor of Los Angeles welcomes you

Welcome to the website of the Friars of the Sick Poor of Los Angeles. Information about our Formation Program will be available here.

Explore Your Calling

We are in search of men who possess the desire to serve those that are in the greatest need … the sick poor and marginalized. We seek men who have a Christ-centered spirit within themselves and wish to express their Catholic faith in contemporary and various ways.

We seek dedicated men who will give of themselves entirely in love through service as a Friar of the Sick Poor, remaining always faithful to a lifelong Gospel-centered religious commitment. Men of all ages who want to consider themselves as …”Sons of Mary — Our Lady of Guadalupe.”

If you believe you have this desire and would like to share it with others, and would like more information, just call or email us. There is no obligation, except for the telephone call, so if you are … “Every ready to tell them the reason for your hope.”

Connect With Us


Brother Don

General Inquiries/Prayer Requests:

Brother Richard, minister general
(805) 516-9848

Prayer for Vocations

Gracious God your Son, Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive.”

Our Lady of Guadalupe brought your light to a new world and a new people through the dedication of St. Juan Diego. We ask you to inflame the hearts of generous men to devote their lives to you in a consecrated vocation as a Friar of the sick Poor of Los Angeles.

Jesus left us with a particular mission, may each of us discover ways to minister to the sick poor and bring peace and justice to a waiting world.

May we be found to “Be ever ready to tell them the reason for our hope.” Amen.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!